Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This one is for C in Minnedosa ...

It's NOT every day you walk into a museum and find yourself face to face with a statue commemorating the Sunday School Teacher of a friend ... but today in The Museum of Civilization in Ottawa I found myself in just such a place ... I turned a corner and there standing in a glass display was a beautiful folk art statue of one of the Sunday School teachers my friend C from Minnedosa has spoken of ...

Mind you, given that he was premier of Saskatchewan from 1944 to 1961, helped introduce UNIVERSAL MEDICARE to Canada, was leader of the Federal NDP from 1961 to 1971, and was voted The GREATEST Canadian by a CBC run contest in 2004, the least they could do for Tommy Douglas was erect a statue of him !!!

This one is for you C ... I thought of you when I stood before the great (and very humble) man!!

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