Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Starting Fresh ...

The number 40 has some significance in the Judeo-Christian traditon:
Noah and his crew endured 40 days and 40 nights of rain,
the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years,
the spies explored the promised land for 40 days,
Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights,
and Jesus' moved among us for 40 days after the resurrection.
40 is an important and perhaps Holy number.
40 years ago I began my life's journey,
40 years ago my father turned 40,
40 years ago my father died,
This year, my 40th,
we mark the 40th Anniversary of my father's death.
Last week thanks to the help of a friend's challenge,
I realized the need to break free of the story that has defined me.
"Create a new story ..." they said.
And so I will ...
This year, as I note the presence of many 40s,
I'm turning the page and starting a new story
on a fresh page ...
... things will not suddenly get "ALL BETTER"
nor will I be able to wave a magic wand
and make all of the hurt and pain of the past just go away,
but in recognizing and accepting the presence
of this story ... I diminish it's power over me.
This year, a year marked with the HOLY Number of 40,
I start fresh - I focus my attention,
not on the past,
not on what has been,
not on the story that has been,
I focus on the NOW,
and become present to my life in THIS moment,
and no longer let my 40 year old story define me.


Anonymous said...

No one can or should live in the past. Starting over at any age, can be and is a good thing. Let the past go. Start anew. It can be a scary thing in this world today. But a good thing none the less. Let your life today guide you. You can do that.


My Own Woman said...

My past, in part, has made me what I am today. Your past, in part, has made you what you are today. What you have to be careful about is that you don't become stagnant in the past but become dynamic in the future....and the future is now.

Anonymous said...

thanks for this..i too turn 40 this year..yup in october..and it is weirding me out more then i ever thought. so thank you for giving it some biblical meaning..the kind of biblical i like! you are dealing with lots from your life..be gentle with yourself and gentle/tender with how you work with the pain of your dad's absence from your life..