Saturday, January 19, 2008

Have you Driven a Ford Lately ???

Somebody in the Ford Headquarters missed the ball on this one ...

In Friday's edition of the Winnipeg Free Press there were not one - BUT several stories about the result of car thefts in the Winnipeg area ... one story chronicled the death of a man who was run down by two idiots joy riding in a stolen SUV ... and now Ford, with the sub-title "Built for life in Manitoba" advertises in the SAME edition of the newspaper in the city that is fast becoming one of the car theft capitals of Canada with an featuring the words "Drive it like you STOLE IT !!!"

Have the ad execs for Ford LOST THIER FLIPPIN' MINDS ????

This is way beyond offensive ... it runs hard into just plain stupid !!

Nice one Ford!! Makes me kinda glad we traded our old Aerostar in on a Toyota ... atleast common sense prevailed in Oakville today and the ad has been pulled ... but not before the damage was done:

Click here to read the CBC Manitoba story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Did I tell you, that the Victoria Times Colonist published a traffic death by an irresponsible driver, and a publicity bit for "Canada's Worst Driver" on the same page??

The Front Page!

The media must "get it together!"