Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Modern Techno-weinie

(photo by Ms H.)
One of the most popular Christmas presents this year was a new computer given to all of us from Grandma A ... the delight was audible and LOUD on Christmas morning when Beetle and Ms H snuck down stairs and found it sitting on the desk in the living room ... now it has offered a new and unexpected chapter in our lives ...
Eight year old Beetle has discovered the world of email ... and now MUST check her email several times a day (can't even IMAGINE where she gets THAT from ...). The most delightful aspect of this though, has been the emails she has been sending:
To Mommy on Christmas Day:
mommy can Ms h. be grounded cause she called me a jeark.
Can I have a sleepover with L---- on Boxing Day.
pleeeeeeeeease pritty pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
To me on Christmas Day after she opened her Gift Certificate for dinner and a movie in Brandon:
For that thing can we go to a fancy restaraunt? What movie are we going to see?
Then today while I was working on my laptop, not six feet from her on the desktop computer, I recieved this email:
can we go to a susie place love b
(susie = sushi)
She REALLY wants to get our evening out planned ... and emails are her chosen means ... I look forward to more, even if they are originating across the living room ...

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