Saturday, March 24, 2007

Huh ???

While out for a walk recently:

Ms. H: "Dad?"

Dad: "Yes."

Ms. H: "What do you call those thingies on the wall that adjusts the temperature?"

Dad: "A thermostat."

Ms. H: "Why do they call it a thermostat?"

Dad: "I don't know."

Ms. H: "What does thermostat mean?"

Dad: "I don't know."

Ms. H: "Thermostat is stupid name. It's hard to remember."

Dad: "Yes dear ..."

Ms. H: "I know a better name for a thermostat."

Dad: "What's that?"

Ms H: "A thingie on the wall that adjusts the temperature ... That would be much easier to remember than a thermo-whatever !!!"

Dad: "Okay, if you insist ..."

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