Sunday, February 04, 2007

Trying out our new game ...

Back in July, I noticed a column in the Winnipeg Free Press by Lindor Reynolds (one of the columnists) about the "New" Canadian Monopoly Game and what should have been the Manitoban properties on the new Hasbro edition. I sent in a letter that she printed on her BLOG Talk of the Town in the Winnipeg Free Press. The first letter wasn't eligible for her contest, so I sent in a second letter and managed to win a free copy of the game. The column announcing it is found HERE.
It took awhile, but eventually in the fall, the game arrived and it has sat unopened on our living room table for many weeks ... tonight after supper we hauled it out and the three kids and I had a game ... It started as an "every participant for themselves" kind of game, but an alliance of the sisters and the father against the son meant that the game came quickly to an end ... Noahkila was soundly thumped as we combined money, resources and property and quickly developed all our set with hotels and maxed out rental values ...
The game started with an interesting quirk though ... on our second roll we ALL landed on same square - the magenta called Rogers Centre in our game ... Noahkila landed on it, bought it and in three successive rolls collected rent from each of us ... it was the start of his down fall ...
In all my years of monopoly playing, I've never had THAT happen where all four players land on the same square in the same turn ... it was weird ...

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