Sunday, December 03, 2006

Why the World Needs ...

They say the world has historically been divided between Marvel Comics and DC Comics fans ... I'm a DC comic fan ...

Within the DC comics you can then divide people between Superman and Batman fans ... I'm a Batman fan ... The dark foreboding atmosphere of Batman and his world in Gotham City along with a cast of characters who have seen far too much of the inside of Arkum Asylum, appeals to me ...

It's probably the brooding nature of Batman and his solitude and alone-ness that offers the appeal. But tonight we watched the latest contribution to Superman Canon, Superman Returns. The special effects in the movie were spectacular, and the theme of whether or not we really need superheroes was provocative.

On one level we need superheroes ... someone to put the villans in their place and restore the values of justice, truth, and dare we say "the American Way." But on another level, we don't need superheroes, we just need each other to step up to the plate and look out for each other ... It makes you wonder if the real superheroes are people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, and others who may not costumes and capes, and who don't have secret identities, but who are busy showing the world a better and a heroic way to live ...

We need heroes ... but the heroes we need are not the ones in capes and costumes ... the heroes we need look remarkably like you and I ...

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