Monday, December 18, 2006

Pardon me while I pop into the phone booth ...

I haven't felt like wearing it much lately, but tonight after supper I felt like popping into a phone booth and throwing on my Super-Dad superhero costume for a change ...

With M. at work, I had to prepare and serve supper - and event that I have come to frequently loathe ... But tonight's fare made everyone happy and filled the hungry bellies of Noahkila, Ms. H, and Beetle ...

Tonight's Super Menu:

- Homemade "Shake'n'Bake" Chicken drumsticks. The topping was breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, a mix of seasonings, some shredded cheese, and a geneous pinch of ground flax (don't ask me amounts - I don't cook that way - I use my Grandmother's method of "a pinch of this, a dash of that, and a handful of that ...") All of it was thrown in the food processor and well chopped before being shaked with the chicken and baked. (Yummy)

- perogies
- stuffing
- a spread of veggies

and the piece d'resistence: - fresh baked sour dough cresent buns ... There were no complaints, just the happy sound of three children happily eating their supper ...

The Good News for me is - the suit still fits ... I'll have to haul it out a bit more often !!!!

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