Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Back to the Phone Booth ...

I prefer Batman to Superman ... so, instead of a Super-Dad costume, I would opt for a Bat-Dad costume ...

Either way, today I once again tried on my long underused superhero costume ...

This morning I got up, put on the coffee, and got busy making sourdough cinnamon buns ... My goal was to have the ready for the kids to take them in their lunch kits ...

It wasn't meant to be. They weren't ready in time for them to go in the lunches, but all three kids said - "that's okay, we'll have them for after school snacks ..." as they headed out the door.

But then, just as they went out the door, Noahkila asked if we had the Tortierre (meat pie) for his French Class Christmas Party that afternoon ... After resisting the urge to clobber him, I asked if a simple meat pie would suffice. He said yes and I told him it would be there right after lunch ...

At lunch time I delivered six mini-meat pies, duly cooked and prepared to Noahkila's class, and as a bonus I took along three little foil containers holding two cinnamon buns each for each kid ... the best reaction came from Ms H's friends who couldn't believe that A) Her FATHER baked, and B) Her FATHER delivered them ... they were all in awe ...

It was another day to try out my super hero costume ... makes the heart feel lighter ...

1 comment:

Katie Bowen said...

Rev., you are Superdad personified!

Your children will never forget what you've done for them.