Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Challenges of Technology ...

I've been trying to put and entry up on the blog since this morning ... each time I tried it crashed, failed - or in one case, the entry simply VANISHED !!! It was nothing short of frustrating ...

I'll trust the muses of Blogger-world that the loss of the entries was a judgement on the content, and they were meant to disappear into cyber space ...

But my technology frustrations took on a new dimension when I made the plunge and picked up a new phone and retired my five year old audiovox model, that was beginning to fail ... having to charge it every couple of hours was a clue ... Now, I have a small book (the user's guide) to plough through and figure out how to use the myriad of features ...

So far the onboard camera has taken a lovely, though blurry picture of my left foot and the steering wheel of the car ... I've tried taking pictures of the kids, but each of them have tried to look in the camera opening as I took the picture, so I have lovely shots of their eyes, while the rest of their face is blurry ...

Ah the vagaries of technology ... on the upside, I have always been able to move past the flahsing 12:00 on the vcr and dvd players ... but sooner or later I know I WILL hit that threshold beyond which technology remains the domain of 12 year old boys, and not 40 plus men ... I'm not sure I'm at that point yet, but I'm pretty sure I can see it from here ... Damned, I've always prided myself on being a techno-phile ... but perhaps my days are numbered ...

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